When you think about a place that offers quality clothing for the entire family, we bet River Island is the first name that pops your mind!
River Island is a high-street fashion brand established in the United Kingdom over six decades ago.
The company has over 300 stores across the globe and offers trendy and affordable clothing for men, women, and children.
While River Island is known for its fashionable clothing, some people have criticized the brand for being “fast fashion.” So, what exactly is fast fashion?
Fast fashion is a term used to describe clothing designed to be worn for only a few seasons before it goes out of style. This type of fashion is often mass-produced to keep up with the latest trends.
So, is River Island considered fast fashion?
The answer is a bit complicated. While River Island produces some clothing that could be considered fast fashion, the brand also offers timeless pieces that can be worn yearly.
In other words, River Island is not strictly a fast-fashion brand and offers some fabulous garments for the entire household.
If you’re looking for trendy clothing that won’t break the bank, River Island is a great place to start your search!
Is River Island an Ethical Brand?
Most certainly!
River Island is a brand that takes ethical conduct seriously. The company has a strict code of conduct that all suppliers must adhere to.
Moreover, this code includes working hours, pay, and health and safety requirements.
In addition, River Island requires that its suppliers provide employees with a living wage.
A living wage is defined as an hourly rate that meets the basic needs of workers and their families.
So, not only does River Island make sure its suppliers follow ethical practices, but the brand also goes above and beyond to ensure that workers are paid a fair wage.
From an environmental standpoint, River Island is also working hard to reduce its impact.
The brand has set ambitious targets, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2025 (compared to a 2015 baseline).
Moreover, River Island has committed to using only sustainable cotton by 2025.
Sustainable cotton is grown using methods that help protect the environment, such as reduced water usage and chemical inputs.
So, not only does River Island sell fashionable clothing, but the brand is also working hard to operate ethically and sustainably.
Does River Island Use Child Labour?
No, not at all!
River Island has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to child labour.
The company’s code of conduct prohibits child labour use and outlines strict penalties for suppliers that violate this rule.
In addition, River Island regularly audits its suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s child labour policy.
So, you can rest assured that the clothing you purchase from River Island has not been made using child labour.
Is It Sustainable?
River Island is amongst those few brands that take their role in saving the environment seriously.
The brand is very vocal about its sustainability policies and has generated yearly reports to measure and monitor its progress.
The reports are available on the brand’s website for anyone who wants to learn more about how River Island works to reduce its environmental impact.
From an environmental standpoint, the company has some ambitious goals, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing landfills from fashion industry waste, eliminating plastic use, and much more.
Moreover, River Island is working hard to ensure that its cotton is sustainable.
The brand has committed to using only sustainably grown cotton by 2025-30.
Hence, if you’ve always been a fan of the brand, you can now shop without guilt, knowing that your purchase is not harming the environment.
Where Does It Get Its Clothes?
The company sources from over 29 countries worldwide, the top ones being China, Turkey, Romania, Bangladesh, and Egypt.
Thus, does this mean the brand compromises on quality and ethicality?
Certainly not!
Throughout its supply chain, River Island has a team of experts who work with suppliers to ensure that they adhere to the company’s code of conduct.
This code of conduct includes working hours, pay, and health and safety requirements.
Moreover, the company requires that all its suppliers provide employees with a living wage- an hourly rate that meets the basic needs of workers and their families.
Thus, you can be sure that the clothes you purchase from River Island are not only fashionable but also ethically made.
Everyone Loves River Island!
River Island has always been the population’s favorite brand when it comes to style and comfort.
The brand’s popularity can be attributed to its trendy designs, high-quality clothes, and affordable prices.
Moreover, the company is constantly innovating and developing new collections that appeal to a wide range of customers.
And all of this is done without harming animals, humans, or the environment!