Converse is a well-known brand of shoes. This brand has been selling shoes for more than a century.
All types of shoes are sold by this brand, such as Casual, fancy, office wear, etc. The converse is a multinational brand and has over 170 stores worldwide.
Converse shoes have always been in demand everywhere in the world. Even celebrities and athletes like to wear the shoes of this brand.
However, Converse shoes are undoubtedly trendy and have an increasing demand. Therefore to meet these ever-increasing demands, shoes are manufactured in extensive quantities.
Whereas manufacture of products in extensive quantities is known as mass production, and every brand doing mass production is referred to as a fast-fashion brand.
Therefore Converse also manufactures products on a mass level. That’s why it is a fast-fashion brand.
Is Converse responsible for Mass production?
The demand for converse shoes all around the world is unmatchable. When a brand is that famous, there are chances of the brand being involved in mass production.
Almost every brand in the world wants to earn as much profit as possible; therefore, the products are produced in large quantities.
Like other international brands, Converse also tends to earn high profits. That’s why the shoes under this brand are manufactured on a mass level to maximize sales and make high margin profits.
The brands like Converse only look for their profit. They don’t even realize how catastrophic this mass production is for the environment and Ecos system.
From where does Converse get its shoes?
The obvious answer to this question is from developing countries.
Almost every international brand doesn’t manufacture products in the brand’s origin-based country but instead prefers emerging countries.
Converse also has started its manufacturing plants and factories in Asia and Africa. China, India, and Pakistan are the top countries where Converse products are prepared.
The only reason for manufacturing products in these developing countries is the cheap labor. In these countries, labor is significantly inferior compared to European countries and the USA.
That’s why brands like Converse prefer to manufacture their products at low production costs in these developing countries.
These products are sold worldwide at very high prices, making the brands earn millions of dollars.
Does Converse Use Forced Labor?
The labor working in the factories of Converse is typically not forced, but the conditions of that labor are no less than forced labor.
Most of the workers are female workers, hired at meager wages and forced to work for more than 10 hours a day. They are paid even less than $1/hour.
Most African and Asian countries are poor, have low economies, and have no prevailing job sector.
Due to such circumstances, workers have no other option except to work in these exploitative factories of international brands.
However, the labor is not directly forced by these brands, but the circumstances force the labor to do such humiliating jobs, and brands like Converse take full advantage of it.
Does Converse Use Sweatshops?
Yes definitely. A sweatshop is one where two or more labor laws are violated, as stated by the US department of labor, and Converse fearlessly violates labor laws.
Converse violates the law of unfair wages, unreasonable hours, child labor, and the list goes on and on.
However, Converse runs sweatshops and sweat factories without a doubt. However, the labor working in the factories of Converse are massively exploited.
Is Converse Cruelty-Free?
The shoes sold and manufactured by Converse are not cruelty-free.
However, Converse is a leading shoe seller. It sells every type of shoe, be it casual, fancy, or office wear.
Converse also sells leather shoes, and leather is nothing but a tanned animal skin. However, animal skin is the source for manufacturing leather shoes.
Therefore Animal skin can’t be obtained without killing animals, and killing animals to manufacture shoes or other apparel is the highest order of cruelty.
Converse still manufactures leather shoes, but there have come other competitors dominating the leather shoe category. Converse, therefore, focuses more on casual shoes.
Are Converse Shoes sustainable?
Canvas, Leather, Rubber, Synthetic dyes, and Metal eyelets are the common materials used to manufacture Converse shoes.
The materials used in shoe production are not mainly sustainable but rather cause environmental pollution.
Synthetic dyes are agents of water pollution. They pollute water to a great extent when the residues of this dye are drained into the water.
Then water becomes toxic, polluted, and hazardous for animals, aquatic animals, and even humans.
Similarly, the production of leather shoes causes the killing of animals, which is a significant loss to the environment.
Therefore Converse shoes aren’t sustainable at all. Instead, they promote unsustainability.
What are the better alternatives to Converse?
Converse is a very famous brand in the world of shoes, but does this make it an ethical brand? No way.
Times have changed. Now consumers are conscious about whether the brand is ethical, and most consumers are switching toward eco-friendly brands.
Therefore, to help our readers to find some ethical brands, we list a few more ethical and eco-friendly brands than Converse.
List of better alternatives to Converse