Yes, Adika is a fast fashion brand! This means that they sell low priced yet trendy clothing in stores at a rapid pace.

In today’s world, fast fashion has become the new normal. Innovations in supply chain management allows for brands to get on the path of becoming fast fashion. 

Zara, H&M, and Forever 21 are the top giants in the fast fashion industry.

As this type of clothing and brands are now normalized, people fail to recognize fast fashion’s negative impact on our environment. 

It’s slowly driving our ecosystem into destruction and has reached a point where damages seem to be irreversible.

After many campaigns against these brands, a few people have started to realize the problem that fast fashion poses. 

Therefore, they’re consciously making an effort to shift towards brands that can provide them with more sustainable clothing and have also started ditching fast fashion companies.

However, in a swarm of fast fashion stores, it’s extremely difficult to find a genuine ethical fashion store. Many people aren’t even aware that some stores are fast fashion.

But don’t you worry, because I’m here to help you out! In this article, I’ll be discussing one of the top brands, Adika, and how it’s a fast fashion company. 

So let’s get right to it!

Is it really fast fashion? 

Unfortunately yes, Adika is a fast fashion company! The brand releases new collections with short intervals in between. 

Their entire process from design, manufacturing, and retailing occurs at a quick speed.  

However, the speed comes at the cost of the environment. Producing a bulk of products in a short time, leads to cutting corners when it comes to the planet. 

    This fast fashion brand initially began in Israel. It’s an e-commerce company which is determined to catch the eye of Gen Z. 

    After it achieved success in Israel, the brand expanded towards the US in hopes of catering to girls and women there. 

    In 2019, the brand launched its pop-up store in New York. They also planned to open similar stores in Los Angeles and Austin. 

    Their expansion to the US was very strategic as they came at a time when many fast fashion brands were finding it difficult to survive. This was because the young consumers started purchasing from more sustainable companies. 

    However, Adika’s CEO Dedy Schwartzberg assured that by using influencers and micro influencers, Adika has the ability to turn the hottest trends around. 

    Achieving success from influencers would help the company succeed as influencer marketing is at the top right now. 

    The brand also gained a lot of popularity as it was a complete e-commerce company. People have gotten used to shopping online after the pandemic, which is why it was easier for them to approach brands like Adika.

    The reason I say that Adika is a fast fashion company is because the brand is not discreet about it. They are proud to be a leading fast fashion brand in the industry.

    A significant feature of fast fashion brands is that they sell catwalk trendy clothing at very affordable prices. People love the brand Adika because it offers them affordable yet on-trend collections. 

    Adika’s representatives also admitted to producing 1000 units of clothing every two weeks. They did so while shedding light at how  giants like H&M tried producing 100,000 units every two weeks causing them a decline in their sales. 

    However, the public doesn’t understand how even a 1000 units is any better. It still contributes towards unimaginable amounts of waste, which is why no fast fashion brand is any better than the other. 

    Adika claims that they don’t just sell clothing which is easy but they make sure to sell trend driven clothing so that they can target a specific customer base. This is what helps keep their sales high!

    It’s high time that brands like Adika are held accountable for their actions! 

    The sheer amount of waste they produce ends up in landfills. It has to be burned causing greenhouse gas emissions.

    They’re creating a need for overconsumption, which is leading to several other problems in the world!

    Is it ethical? 

    Any brand which is fast fashion, can’t be regarded as an ethical brand. Ethical brands are those which don’t cause any harm to humans, animals, or the environment. 

    However, fast fashion brands produce so much waste that it ends up destroying our planet. This is only one of the reasons why they can’t be described as ethical brands.

    Not only that, but these brands are also known to produce in countries where labor is exploited and the living wage isn’t paid. This means that they’re also causing harm to innocent humans. 

    By using cheap raw materials and sourcing unethically, they’ve created extremely dreadful and regrettable circumstances for the planet.

    Such brands aren’t taking any morally correct decisions, which is why they can’t be regarded as ethical. 

    Moreover, Adika fails to provide any sufficient or relevant information about its impact on the environment. People have the right to know what brands are up to!

    This lack of transparency makes them lose trust of loyal customers and also makes them seem extremely shady!

    We are forced to think what this brand is hiding as they don’t provide any information. And in the case of Adika, it’s literally everything! 

    You will not be able to find any relevant information about their manufacturing process or supply chain on their website. 

    They only provided three sentences in their “About Us” page, which does not disclose anything about the brand.

    The brand has been rated as one that should be completely avoided according to Good On You.

    Where does it get their clothes? 

    Adika is based in Tel Aviv, Israel and was founded in 2012. It has also expanded to the US in order to cater to Gen Z women.

    Unfortunately, there isn’t enough information on the producing countries of this company. 

    Although they have a store in New York, it is believed that the company ships from Israel to the US. 

    Apart from this, there isn’t any information on where their clothes are manufactured and in what countries. It is unclear whether they run sweatshops or not. 

    But as they fail to be transparent about their supply chain, it makes them highly unethical! 

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