Whenever you are giving a greeting card to someone you should check the materials from which it’s made and came in. Most of the time the materials used are toxic and may harm the environment.
So it’s better to switch to eco-friendly options.
Eco-friendly greeting cards are a great gift for the person as well as for the environment.
Eco-friendly greeting cards are made with recycled and plastic free materials that cause no harm to the environment.
Most of the eco-friendly greeting cards come with flower seeds to be planted to save the environment.
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If you’re looking for greeting cards that are not only eco-friendly but are unique and beautiful as well then we have some great options for you.
We have listed below some of the wholesalers that share their great ideas to save the environment through their unique greeting cards.
List of eco-friendly greeting cards wholesale vendors and suppliers:
- Decomposition
- 1 Tree Cards
- Eco Friendly Cards
- The Seed Card Company
- Earth Greetings
- The Princess and the Pickle
- Kevin Williamson
1. Decomposition
Decomposition manufactures and designs greeting cards using eco-friendly methods and materials with fun and cute prints.
Their greeting card collection includes birthday cards, Christmas cards, thank you cards, anniversary cards, wedding cards, and holiday cards.
Their cards feature hand-crafted illustrations printed with vegan inks which cause no harm to the environment.
Contact info:
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://decomposition.com/product-category/recycled-greeting-cards/
2. 1 Tree Cards
1 Tree Cards is focusing on eco values and is on a mission to not only offer an eco-friendly alternative but also to create a net positive impact on our planet.
They are using 100% recycled paper, vegan inks, and plastic free materials for the manufacturing of their cards. Their card packaging is also biodegradable and plastic free.
The cards can be planted and will grow into trees which help reduce global warming and save the environment.
Contact info:
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://1treecards.com/
3. Eco Friendly Cards
Eco Friendly Cards is making handmade paper cards from 100% recycled paper and seeds. When the card has been gifted the entire card can be planted in a garden.
Their cards have seeds and if you plant the cards, they will grow wildflowers which is a really cool and initiative idea.
Their envelopes are made from recycled paper and vegetable starch making them 100% biodegradable.
Their eco-friendly cards are for Christmas, anniversary, mother’s day, father’s day, engagement, friendship, thank you, wedding, festive season, Easter, and valentine’s day.
Contact info:
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://ecofriendlycards.com/
4. The Seed Card Company
The Seed Card Company is committed to creating a sustainable and eco-friendly environment with its unique eco-friendly cards. You will have to plant their cards and they will grow into beautiful wildflowers.
Their cards are recyclable and are made entirely from post-consumer upcycled paper waste causing no harm to the trees are harmed in their manufacturing. The cards are embedded with wildflower seeds making them 100% biodegradable.
They use vegan inks for the prints of the cards and their packaging will never contain any plastic. The envelopes are made from completely post-consumer waste and natural corn starch.
Contact info:
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.theseedcardcompany.com/
5. Earth Greetings
Earth Greetings is offering eco-friendly greeting cards that are made of 0% plastic and 100% post-consumer and are recyclable and biodegradable.
Their products are vegan and non-toxic using vegetable based printing ink and a carbon neutral printer for their cards that cause no harm to the environment.
Contact info:
Tel: +61 8 8277 2001
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.earthgreetings.com.au/greeting-cards/
6. The Princess and the Pickle
The Princess and The Pickle is committed to producing greeting cards that are eye-catching a well as kind to the environment. The cards are made with 100% recycled paper from post-consumer waste ensuring that no trees were harmed in the making of their cards.
They have a low waste policy that is the off-cuts of the cards are saved and are used to make biodegradable wildflower-seeded or naturally scented confetti which can be sprinkled inside the cards as an added gift for the receiver.
Their packaging is made with vegetable starch that is derived from renewable crops making them plastic-free and fully biodegradable and compostable.
Contact info:
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://theprincessandthepickle.co.uk/
7. Kevin Williamson
Kevin Williamson is a UK based wholesale supplier who is committed to providing the best printed card with high-quality inks.
Their cards are printed on a 300gsm recycled Kraft board and are finished with different foil in colors. Also, the cards come with recycled paper envelopes that are biodegradable.
The bags they send in the cards are compostable made with potato or corn starch making them fully biodegradable and good for the environment.
Contact info:
Tel: 07947 407210
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.kwill.co.uk/prints-and-cards/cat_865776-PRINTED-CARDS.html