
Team EE Editorial


Portland, Oregon is a city known for its love of all things unconventional, unique, and eco-friendly. This mindset is reflected in the city’s thriving secondhand scene, with a plethora of thrift stores offering everything from vintage clothing and furniture to home decor and collectibles. Supporting local, small-scale businesses is a priority in Portland, making the city’s thrift stores truly one-of-a-kind. Visitors from all over the country come to Portland to explore its renowned secondhand scene,…

Crafting has always been a great way to spark one’s imagination and creativity. However, with the increasing need to preserve the planet, it’s time to take a fresh look at crafting and incorporate sustainability into it. This is where eco-friendly crafts come in, which is an exciting fusion of creativity and conscious living. Eco-friendly crafts are perfect for those who want to have fun while preserving the planet. These sustainable craft ideas are not only…

Linen dresses have become a popular choice for wedding guests, and for good reason. They are light, breathable, and effortlessly elegant, making them a perfect choice for summer weddings. Not only that, linen dresses are versatile and can be dressed up or down for other occasions such as Sunday brunch, beach picnics, and vacations. Despite their popularity, some may wonder if it is appropriate to wear linen to a wedding. The answer is a resounding…

Overview Nude Foods Market is a zero waste store located in Boulder, Colorado, committed to reducing packaging waste and food waste. They offer a wide range of groceries, personal care products, and cleaning supplies, all without single-use plastics. Their system of pre-filled jars that are returnable for cleaning and reuse is a unique feature that allows customers to purchase products without the need for reusable containers. In addition to their commitment to reducing packaging waste,…

Overview Silicone is a popular material that is used in a variety of consumer products, including cookware, bakeware, kitchen utensils, and baby items. However, concerns have been raised about the safety of silicone, particularly in relation to its potential impact on human health and the environment. This section will provide an overview of the key issues surrounding silicone safety, including the types of silicone that are available, the potential risks associated with exposure to certain…

Overview In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the impact of the fashion industry on the environment. As a result, many individuals are adopting a minimalist approach to their wardrobe and travel gear to reduce their carbon footprint. This section will explore some of the movements that have inspired this trend, including Slow Fashion, Minimalism, Project 333, and #whomademyclothes. Slow Fashion Slow Fashion is a movement that advocates for a focus on…

Sustainable food brands are becoming increasingly popular as people become more conscious of the impact their food choices have on the environment. But what exactly is a sustainable food brand? It’s a company that not only considers taste and profit, but also the planet. This means that they ensure their foods are grown, manufactured, packaged, and distributed in the most eco-friendly and ethical way possible. Gone are the days of chemical-laden ingredients, resource-intensive monocrops, and…

Parents who are concerned about the environmental impact of their child’s toys may be interested in eco-friendly toy options. Unlike traditional plastic toys, eco-friendly toys are designed to have a minimal impact on the environment and can be made from sustainable materials. Additionally, they often do not contain harmful chemicals and can be recycled or biodegraded. To help parents find eco-friendly toy options, Sustainable Jungle has compiled a list of brands that make sustainable toys.…

Kansas City is home to some of the best thrift stores in the country, offering a unique shopping experience that not only saves money but also helps reduce textile waste. With 17 million tons of textile waste produced yearly, thrifting has become a popular way to shop sustainably. From Troost39 Thrift Store and Do Good Co. to Boomerang and Fetch, there are plenty of options for those looking to find high-quality items at affordable prices.…

As consumers become more conscious about their impact on the environment, sustainable clothing brands are gaining popularity. This trend extends beyond everyday wear to include sleepwear as well. After all, what we wear to bed can also have an impact on the planet. In this article, we will introduce some of the best sustainable sleepwear brands that offer comfortable and eco-friendly options for bedtime. From pajamas to slips, we will explore the collections of Kotn,…